Thursday, June 26, 2008

Here's what Happened to my friend.

My friend uses Hypnosis for quitting smoking and has got a few quit hypnosis mp3 recordings too from Steve Jones site, who is a clinical therapist.
You could check it out here -->

Now, what he says will really surprise you. The popular belief is that when a person uses hypnosis to quit smoking, he will just stop smoking the next day. Just like magic. Well, that's not true.

My friend who has been using these recordings regularly says that it is not so. Hypnosis isn't magic. It does work, but not in the way, some of us think. Now, this doesnt mean that hypnosis doesnt work. My friend adds that using these recordings helped him to control his urges and lessened the intensity of his withdrawal symptoms. Now, he has the strength to control his cravings and is able to avoid the cancer sticks even in tense situations which are the most difficult for a smoker. You know how your hand automatically reaches for a cigarrette when you are under stress. Well, my friend has been able to get over this habit.

Each time, he was able to avoid those cravings, it just reinforced in his mind that he didnt need those cigarrettes . If you have been considering using hypnosis for quitting smoking, then you better remember how it works.

There are so many quit smoking hypnosis recordings available nowadays that it becomes very difficult to choose one. So, if you are confused then I safely recommend Steve Jones site here -- A discount offer is going on now, so you better get it before the offer ends.

Hope you are able to quit this habit once and for all. Good Luck

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Can Hypnosis for Quitting Smoking really help me? Please See this!

At first glance,it really looks as if it isn't going to work. Many people just roll their eyes when I tell them about it. After all, hypnosis is supposed to be nothing more than a parlor game cooked up as entertainment. Many people think that the will cannot really be brought to succumb to a few simple suggestions. Up to a point, they are right about all this.

Here is where it gets different:

The hypnosis we see on the stage and screen is not the clinical hypnosis that is used to deal with many different types of disorders. When used in a responsible manner, hypnosis makes it possible to connect with the subconscious mind and is able to shut down the critical voice inside which says you wont be able to quit.

Hypnosis assists the mind and body to accomplish something it already wants to do, such as get over the nasty cigarette smoking habit. In this effort, there is no attempt to over-ride the true will of the individual. Instead, hypnosis is helping to create a situation where all the resources of the will(thus helping to make your will stronger), both conscious and subconscious, are brought into active use in helping the individual to achieve something that he or she has already decided is a desirable end.

When used as a tool in helping to eliminate the desire for tobacco and to manage the withdrawal symptoms that the body goes through, hypnosis for quitting smoking does a great deal. Hypnosis helps to make it easier to cope with situations where one normally feels the urge to light up and puff a cigarette.

Hypnosis helps in these situations by controlling your urges and gives you the ability to stay strong and be able to function normally without the constant desire for another cigarette. At the same time, hypnosis helps the body to generate "feel-good" enzymes and hormones that help to calm the neurotransmitters that are screaming for a shot of nicotine. By calling on the natural healing powers of the body and mind, and putting them to work, hypnosis can significantly make the act of quitting smoking much easier.

Now, I have found that a 50% discount offer is going on at this site. So, if you have been thinking about it, then you can get your hypnosis for quitting smoking recordings at this site. I dont know how long the offer is going to last. So, you better be quick. ==> Click here to get the recordings at the discounted price All I can say is that Hypnosis does help you to quit and you wont regret this.